Short Term Development Sites
Do you have land allocated in a Local Development Plan or already with planning consent? These sites can be developed quickly, in the short term.
Land Zoned in Local Plan or with Planning Permission
Short term development sites are opportunities which can be developed relatively quickly because they are already zoned as a residential site in the local plan or have planning consent.
As land agents and development consultants, Prime Land Consultants is always in the market for housing land that can be developed quickly. We have urgent requirements from developers and builders who can move quickly.
Short term development opportunities are often greenfield or brownfield sites, and include:
- Existing hotel sites with large car parks and infill sites.
- Redevelopment opportunities provided by large gardens.
- Land already allocated for development in local plans. This needs to be outside the greenbelt or outside an AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).
- ‘White land’ in local development plans, which is land not currently allocated for development but not green belt land.
- Where a land deal has fallen through with another party based on proposals which are now no longer viable but could be improved.
- Where new bypass or road realignment makes new land viable for development.
For more details on our land requirements, see Land Required.