Site Project Management
Find out how we can unlock the valuable development potential of your site.
Resolving Your Site’s Issues
Prime Land Consultants uses its extensive Site Project Management experience to identify and resolve the key issues and constraints that are getting in the way of your land’s development potential. We will help you solve any issues that could impact the sale, from title and access rights, to services and abnormal costs.
If needed, we can coordinate a team of specialist consultants to unlock your site’s development potential.
We advise on the ‘solution sequence’ by using our unique GramstopF model to help you unlock the development value of your land or buildings:
- G – Ground conditions
- R – Roads / Traffic /Access issues
- A – Abnormal costs assessment
- M – The market or end use that is appropriate- perhaps mixed use/ senior Living / mainstream housing
- S – Services – Water Gas Electricity Telecoms Overhead services Sewerage impacting site
- T – Title / legal issues impacting such as title restrictions, sight lines required, easements/wayleaves ( Coordinate with client’s lawyer)
- P – Planning Assessment with our Town Planning Consultants
- F – Flood Risk