Preparing for a land disposal.
Title /legal rights of access checks are essential as the number of times we see title issues arise late in the day once all the consents have been obtained is surprising. Knowing the correct Sight lines and impact on access , checking ownership of and rights of access over unadopted access roads / access strips are essential FIRST before embarking on a land disposal. This can take months. We have a situation of an agricultural tenancy which is causing a significant delay in a land transaction. This only came to light into the process when time and money had been expended.
Keeping tabs on the progress of the Local Development Plan, looking out for any relevant newspaper adverts or simply going to the Council web site Planning section and noting the last finalised Local Development Plan. The local Development Scheme will show the time scales for the new Local Plan. They may have a ‘Call for sites’ with a short notice period and a Main Issues Report following . So be prepared if you are thinking of seeking a development allocation in the future. You may want to speak to us to get advice.